Past Productions
Photo Credit: Spicy Witch Productions
Photo Credit: Spicy Witch Productions
The Virtuous Fall of the Girls from Our Lady of Sorrows (Maxx) by Gina Femia
World Premiere. Dir. Blayze Teicher. Spicy Witch Productions. Performed in rep with Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure at The Flea.
Inspired by Shakespeare’s problem play, is a hilarious exploration of teenage revolution in the face of petty authoritarianism. Set in a Catholic girls’ school, the play recounts the ripple effects caused by one student's decision to produce M4M2, a controversial sequel to Measure for Measure.
”Tough-nut Maxx (Ashil Lee) goes from hilarious sulking to genuine compassion, embodying the full complexities of a teenager who instinctually understands the system isn’t on her side.”—OnStageBlog
“Sulky, stormy, too-cool-for-school Maxx (a fiery Ashil Lee) wears a hard edge of generalized resentment like a dragon tattoo.”—Blogcritics, Jon Sobel
Measure for Measure (Lucia)
Dir. Phoebe Brooke. Spicy Witch Productions at The Flea. An audacious cut of Measure for Measure tells the story of women coming together to uncover a history of sexual harassment buried within the Justice System. This production explores sisterhood through a problematic classic and uncovers the zany humor at its core.
“Lee is both charismatic and very funny as Lucia”—Thinking Theatre NYC
“Ashil Lee is appealingly animated as the jokester Lucia.”—Blogcritics, Jon Sobel
Photo Credit: Phoebe Brooks/Spicy Witch Productions
Photo Credit: Ashley Garrett
Juliet + Romeo (Tybalt/Nurse/Lady Montague)
Dir. Alyssa May Gold. Pocket Universe. Access Theatre.
An adaptation of William Shakespeare's romantic tragedy set in the imagination of a modern teen as she reads Romeo & Juliet for the first time.
“Ashil Lee’s Nurse is delightful and variable, loving and necessarily facetious.”— Times Square Chronicles
As You Like It (Silvius)
Dir. David Andrew Laws. Hamlet Isn’t Dead at El Barrio ArtSpace.
One of Shakespeare’s most beloved comedies, an all-female production of this quirky story set to some new original music, as well as covers of some fan favorites.
“Ashil Lee, also late from All One Forest (and upcoming in TTF's The Fall of Lady M) continues to impress. Whether playing Puck in All One Forest or, here, the country bumpkin and hopeless romantic, Silvius, her incredible ability to fully inhabit characters - evident from her accent choices to her impressive physicality - is a masterwork in action.”—Classical NYC, Emily C. A. Snyder
Photo Credit: Andy Ingalls/Hamlet Isn’t Dead